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  • Writer's pictureChaterpilar

Depression Warrior

Sometimes mental suffering is more painful than physical suffering; I have experienced it, closely. I am a mother of three and, that very well defines how occupied and, busy my life would be. It also adds up to the notion that individuals wrapped up with work don't get depressed. But that is not true!

Remember Deepika Padukone sharing her story? Wasn't that brave? But, the question is if an actress like her who probably has everything in her life can be depressed. Then why can't a common man can be depressed? Why is the society so reluctant to accept that anxiety, stress and depression can be as common as fever?

We have very little acceptance of mental issues and mental health in our society. And, the reason behind it is little awareness regarding mental health.

I was entirely busy raising my kids that I never found my life as an individual. But I do not regret that because this was my choice to raise kids; in a manner that when they walk on the street people stop by to appreciate them for who they are as a person - personally and professionally.

I have two daughters and one son. After school, my girls moved to different cities for further studies. I was okay with it and, I had to be okay. Why? Because I asked them to move-out and study hard. Then after two years, there was this unexplainable sense of sadness that started feeling. Initially, I took it as a mood swing but, as time passed, that feeling of void and sadness kept increasing. I spoke to my younger daughter very vaguely about my feelings after months. She figured that I was feeling lonely and sad and, then she spoke to my brother. He is a doctor in New York.

I am blessed, with a very open-minded and supportive brother. He figured quickly that my condition is nothing but depression and anxiety.

I was in a state where I would not have an interest in anything. I used to love eating and cooking good food. But during this stage, I didn't feel like eating or cooking. I would sleep for hours and still be sleepy and, the worst of all is I had no control over it, even though I wanted to have. My daughter and my brother supported me and understood that I am struggling. But many didn't as my relatives blamed me for overthinking and, that I am overreacting to get people's attention; all that bothered me, really!

After noticing everything, my daughter flew down to be with me. She said, unless you don't be happy and chirpy like before, I will not go anywhere, mother, I have left my job! That shook me, I felt she left, her job for my mental health? Is this for real?

After much speculations and hesitations, I started my medication for anxiety and depression. It was under my brother's guidance. My daughter didn't let me cook or do any chores if I wouldn't want to. My daughter even fought with some relatives who pointed fingers for me. She educated them about the importance of mental health.

After four months, I started feeling better and, even today, I am on my medications. But my dopamine is high on life! Thanks to my pillars through this depressing, and sad journey.

I realized, that if you share your sorrow at the right time and with the right set of people, it helps you to grow out of it, and lead a much better life. I am no expert, but I do have my story to share from a small living room of mine.

People, please share and please loosen up a little. Talk it out because no matter what the world needs you and you are necessary and a necessity.

My story is not of any wonder woman but can be known, as a story of a warrior - A Depression Warrior!

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